

Chosen Generation is pastored by Caleb and Desiree Fitzgerald. A young adult couple that is local to the Elizabethown, KY community. They have a vision of seeing young people on fire for God.

Ministry Focuses

Ultimately, everything we do is centered around Jesus. He is our reason for existence, without him, we are nothing. Therefore, he will always remain our central focus. But we have listed ways that we emphasize him at Chosen Generation.

Word Of God

We believe in the uncompromised Word of God which is the Bible. Everything that we teach and preach will be based on the scriptures. 


Worship is not a once a week thing, it is a lifestyle. This lifestyle means to do everything to give glory, honor, and praise to God.


Every ministry and life should be built on prayer. We will place a emphasis on praying to birth God's purposes, and we hope to help others establish a consistent prayer life.

Capacity Building

Capacity building relates to discipleship and growth. We emphasize growing in your Christian walk which will ultimately prepare you for your destiny.


Fellowship is considered friendly association with people who share the same interests. It's not just about getting together to pray, preach, or worship. We should spend time together outside of our young adult services. 


We believe in preaching the Good News which is the life of Jesus Christ: His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension. We equip others to evangelize not just in church but in their everyday lives. 


At Chosen Generation, the goal is to equip each believer to minister. We believe that God has given gifts to all of us. We all may not sing or preach from the stage, but God has given something to each one of us and it is our responsibility to walk in it. 

Kingdom Advancement

We want to see the Kingdom of God advanced into the young adult generation. We want to help others in our generation know Jesus personally.